Monday, March 14, 2016

The FBI has a court order that Apple help them break into the phone of the terrorist in Calf.  But this has grown to just more than that phone.  There have been disagreements over this by all people groups. 

The President is once again involved stating that this an issue of national security.  Ever since the Edward Snowden's disclosure the over reach of the government has become an issue. 

I can understand both sides of the argument but I tend to agree with apple that the government is once again overstepping their bound.  We are entitled to some privacy in our personal life's. The government has overstepped their limits on more than once.  This administration has gotten involved to many times in things that it shouldn't as well as collect information on people for no reason.

The main fact that I have problems with is that the phone in question was a company phone and that the shooters had destroyed their personal phones which would be the most likely ones to have information on them. 

This also will open up many other issues which have already started. There already is a case in New York that wants the phone of a suspected drug dealer on locked.  This is the kind of thing that will grow out of hand. All tech company's will be required to help unlock personal devices for what ever reason that government or police may request.

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