Monday, April 11, 2016

Motorcycle Clubs

Recently I have had the honor of riding with the motorcycle group Soldiers of the Cross.  This has been a great experience for me.  To be able to ride with people that have the same background and the same desire to share the gospel has been a wonderful experience.  As members of a group that can go to places that most people would not be welcome or allowed, to share the gospel with men and women in need of help and support allows us to do the work  that is command by God. 

In the past most motorcycle clubs or groups where looked down upon because of the history that goes along with being a biker.  It is missions like these that help improve the image of us as people and groups.  In recent years more and more groups are doing things such as fund raisers for the needy, toys for tots and so much more it is things like this that are a great image improver but far to often go unnoticed by the public.  The word of the good that is being done needs to spread but to often the men and women in these groups are not looking for the recognition.  They just want to share there own personal experiences with others so that  they may also have the chance to become better people.

It is my hope that more people will understand the need for this kind of work and will be open to joining one of these groups. 

In a time when being a Christian is not politically correct it is often difficult for these groups to grow because so many people are afraid of being labeled as a bigot or racist because of there beliefs.  It seems that the first amendment only applies to certain groups.  How a group that is made up of all different people groups and cultures can be considered racist is beyond me when race has nothing to do with being Christian. That disagreeing with a life style is being a bigot or wanting men and woman to use the restroom that they are gendered to is being bad or intolerant.  These are the things that make me ask who is the intolerant one.

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