Monday, April 11, 2016

Motorcycle Clubs

The history of motorcycle clubs started in 1924.  Many groups where started by ex military members returning from war.  In recent history more and more veterans are forming groups of men and woman that share a history and want to respect other veterans.

There are so many groups one being the Patriot Guard.  These are veterans and  non veterans  that wish to pay respect to Fallen Military Heroes, First Responders and honorably discharged Veterans.  They have made the news lately with the actions of Westboro Baptist Church.

These man provide volunteer services for these heroes and prevent disruption of services.  These man ask for nothing other than the respect be shown these fallen heroes that they deserve. 

As I stated there are many of the groups another is Combat Veterans Motorcycle Ass.  This is a group that is made up of combat veterans that share the same hobby and that is motorcycles.  This like the Patriot Guard is a national organization.  These are the groups that are giving clubs a new name and a pride of membership.

Having served my time I respect the things that these people are doing for other veterans. It is my wish to give some well deserved recognition to these groups.  Most of the organizations are now creating web pages and on facebook which helps spread there mission.

This groups need all of our support so that they may grow and continue to do the work that is being provided.

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